Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Deadly Fist of Sodoku

I’m still obsessed with Soduku puzzles, so here’s another tidbit: a series of Sodoku books called Martial Arts Sodoku just came out recently. Each book is named after a different colored karate belt, indicating the degree of difficulty. There’s white belt (easy), green belt (not-so-easy), brown belt (hard), and black belt (super tough).

There are 300 puzzles in each book, so its a pretty good deal for seven bucks. Sure, there a plenty of free Sodoku puzzles online, but do you really want to bring your laptop in the bathroom? I think not.

Sorry kids, there are no actual martial arts or any kind of fighting involved at all in Martial Arts Sodoku; although a real hard one could kick your ass. I’ve been feeling a little cocky about my puzzle-solving skills lately, so I purchased the black belt book. Hopefully I won't get slapped around too much.

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