Sunday, January 28, 2007

Squids 'n Sharks

Last month, Japanese marine researchers caught a giant squid and hauled the poor bastard up to the surface. Reportedly, it was the first time a live giant squid was captured on film. The video actually isn't that great, but you can see it here. Better yet, here's a picture of the squid.

Great Googly Moogly! It's the beast from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea! Pulled up from about 2,000 feet below the ocean surface, the squid died shortly afterwards. Duh.

Well, move over squid. Check out this video of the frilled shark:

Cheezus! What a monster! Oddly enough, this video was taken by more Japanese researchers. The frilled shark usually is found at depths of 2,000 feet, but this particular one was found near the surface. It probably was on its last legs (so to speak), like a dying beached whale. The Japanese researchers captured the shark, and not surprisingly, it died a short time later.

Gah! Flee! Frilled Shark!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Favorite Gift

Even though the warm fuzzy glow of Christmas is a couple of weeks past us, let me just say that I love all the gifts I get to read, to play, to wear, to listen to, and to spend. But the one gift I'm having the most fun with right now is the Skull Horror Ball!

My sister and her family gave me this small rubber skull - when you squeeze it, all sort of gross things come oozing out of it's eyes.

The one I have has rats and blood coming out of it's eyes. It's delightful. I call him "Skully". I'm considering buying a whole case of these to give away as party favors, or just to give to anyone who needs cheering up.

This is my favorite gift from Christmas... right after our new 32" LCD HD TV, that is! Hoo hah!