Tuesday, June 06, 2006

X-Men: The Last Stand

We finally saw the latest X-Men movie this past weekend, and I was really looking forward to it. So how was it? Well, it was just ok. It was a decent summer blockbuster, and holds up reasonably well with the first two movies, but it didn't top them by any stretch of the imagination.

As I watched the movie, I generated a list of questions and observations in my head. Before I dive into my list, if you haven't seen X-Men: The Last Stand, then what I'm going to say may spoil some things for you. So when you have a moment, go out and see the movie. I'll wait.


Oh, you're back. I hope you went to see a matinee and didn't pay full price. Anyways, here goes:
  • Cyclops got the shaft in this movie. The guy barely appears in a few scenes, and that's it. He's supposed to be the leader of the X-Men, for pete's sake.
  • Where's Nightcrawler? He would have been handy for all the jumping around that went on in this movie. I guess one blue, furry mutant is all that's allowed.
  • OK, Xavier's school is in upstate New York, right? Magneto gathers his Brotherhood and goes to attack Alcatraz island in San Francisco. There's a sequence where Wolverine leaves the mansion to go find Jean Grey, who has joined the Brotherhood. When he finds them in a forest, are they on the west coast or the east coast? If they were on the west coast, how did Wolverine get there? He might have taken the X-Men's Blackbird plane, but it seems that he just ran out the front door & hopped on his silly motorcycle. If they were on the east coast, then how did Magneto transport the Brotherhood over 3000 miles to San Francisco? Did he steal a plane? A bus? Did he recruit a mutant with unlimited frequent flier miles?
  • I must say that Magneto's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants were pretty useless. We saw a guy who could grow daggers out of his wrists and throw them and a guy with super-hearing in the forest. All I remember seeing during the fight on Alcatraz was a guy who could stick to walls like a tree frog. When mutants fight, I expect a lot of flying around with laser beams shooting out of people's hands. We didn't really get that in this movie. Color me disappointed.
  • I can't wait to see Nacho Libre.
  • This movie had the most comic book-like climax ever with Wolverine desperately trying to reach Jean Grey with her energy flying all around him, shredding him to bits. I could find a panel or two out of the X-Men comic, but I'm too lazy to do that.
  • Cyclops totally got the shaft in this movie. If you really want to stick with the comic book version, it should have been him with Jean Grey at the end, not Wolverine.
  • So when Magneto takes over the Golden Gate Bridge, it's daytime right? Most of the people abandon their cars to get off the bridge. At the end of the movie, it's nighttime and there's a shot of the Golden Gate Bridge with all the cars on the bridge with their headlights on. I'm surprised that everyone driving around in the daytime turns their headlights on. Bay Area drivers are so responsible.
  • It's amazing how quickly they started rebuilding the Golden Gate Bridge. Where did they get the money from? I bet they diverted all the money from the new Bay Bridge span. The East Bay gets the shaft in this movie too.

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