Friday, December 09, 2005

Rockin' The AK Rocker

I've been a good boy this year (or so I think), so I'm enjoying my Christmas gift early: the AK Rocker. My better half was kind enough to get this for me and let me open it early. Either that, or I would be looking forlornly at the big box in the corner until the 25th.

What is the AK Rocker? It's chair made for playing video games! There was a time when I would scoff at things such as this - it seemed so unnecessary. Why would anyone need a special chair just for playing video games? Preposterous!

Well, I just happen to be in need of such a chair. My work/entertainment space where I play most of my games (in other words, not the living room) really needed a chair for me to sit by the tv. I was pretty much dragging my desk chair over and lowering the chair height to properly see the tv. What I needed was a real low chair, since sitting on the floor gets a little uncomfortable after a while.

Enter the AK Rocker. It's entirely made of plastic with a cloth cover that fits snugly over the seat area. It's easy to assemble and pretty lightweight. Once you hunker down into the chair, it's quite comfortable.

The best part is that it's a rocking chair - but it's not your grandmother's rocker. You know how most guys, at some point in their life, like to lean back in their chair and balance on the two rear legs of the chair? I bet all guys have done this at least once, and I bet 90% of them have fallen completely backwards (I did it in high school, right in the middle of English class).

The AK Rocker lets you relieve those good times without the pain of smacking the back of your head on the floor. If you keep leaning back, the chair will go backwards, but it will gently settle you into a horizontal position. Look at the look of bliss on these two guys:

Rock on, dudes. All you need now is for someone to help you up.

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