Monday, December 19, 2005

It Came From The Bargain Bin: Nano Breaker

In an earlier entry, I wrote about my unbridled love for cheap video games. In a nutshell, the sins of a game at $50 are a lot easier to swallow at $20; …most of the time.

I picked up a used copy of Nano Breaker for around 15 bucks. I was curious about the game because I love a good hack ‘n slash game (like the Dynasty Warrior series), and the screenshots I’ve seen showed buckets of blood. What’s not to love?

Well, there were many times during this game I was ready to eject the disc and never play it again. With my trusty Action Replay Max, I bulled my way through the game to the end. Without it, I wouldn’t have bothered; life is too short to waste on mediocre video games.

What was wrong with the game? Mostly the bad camera angles and frustrating time I had jumping around on platforms. I think I wore out the “x” button on my controller. There’s nothing I hate more than the double jump on a platform that eventually drops or vanishes. With this game, the bad control scheme and awkward camera angles combine together to make a difficult thing even more hair-pullingly difficult.

The best thing about this game was the gallons of blood splattered on every wall and floor. You can change the color of the blood from red to blue, green, yellow, and purple. You even have a multi-colored blood option. It’s like someone swallowed a rainbow and vomited all over the place. It’s pretty amusing.

Other than that, there’s not a lot to recommend about Nano Breaker. If you’ve got twenty bucks to burn, be my guest; but there are a lot of better games out there.

By the way, there are no less than four different covers for this game (for various international releases). It's like getting a big box of poo in four different flavors! Collect them all!

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