How was this latest version? It was really good...and really long. Like over three hours long. Better use the restroom before the movie starts. Remember when movies used to be two hours? For a while, they were clocking in at about ninety minutes, now everyone is making big, long epic movies, whether or not the story merits it.
A good movie can be as long as it likes, as long as it holds your attention. I have to admit that I my attention was beginning to wander within the first hour. It took the movie an hour to get to Skull Island, which is where everybody knows the action really begins.
I particularly enjoyed the movie when they were on the island. Dinosaurs, bugs, bats, head-sucking leeches, what's not to like? The CGI in this movie is top-notch; it's amazing how life-like King Kong looks. They've come a long way from guys in monkey suits and apes made out of clay. This Kong is one handsome-looking gorilla.
Naomi Watts did a good job. As my fiancé says, she's a likable Nicole Kidman. Jack Black was good, but I think everyone will agree that it's more fun to see Jack Black as himself rather than a serious character is a serious movie.
The funniest thing about this movie are the reviews:
"Here is the jaw-dropping, eye-popping, heart-stopping movie epic we've been waiting for all year"
"It's everything people have ever wanted from the movies- action, romance, surprise"
"One of the best movies ever made"
"This movie will change your life. If you have two children, you should rename one King and the other Kong"
I made the last one up. Keep your pants on, people. It's a good movie, but it's not earth-shattering good.