Thursday, November 03, 2005

This Week's Movie (Posters) No. 3

Ah, November. As the days get shorter and the temperatures get nippier, our thoughts turn to our poultry friends; namely the turkeys, and based on our first upcoming movie poster, chickens.

Chicken Little – I'm almost speachless - we’re looking right up a chicken’s butt. This is what our world has come to. I know this is a Disney movie, and I know it’s harmless, but we’re looking at a chicken’s piehole. Am I the only one that thinks this is a little weird?

I’ve seen this poster at bus stops, and I’m surprised no one has defaced any of them in a vulgar way. Maybe that’s the power of Disney; you just don’t mess with them, or Michael Eisner will come knocking on your door.

There was an earlier teaser poster that I like much more:

Ha ha! “Little chicken”… “Chicken Little”. Now that’s a good pun. Somewhere in his frozen cryogenic pod Walt Disney is smiling.

Jarhead – I like the simplicity of this poster. No need for a big sweeping illustration of the unrivaled might of the US Army; that’s not what the movie is about. They could have put Oscar-winning Jamie Foxx’s face on it, but they resisted that temptation too.

I like how they put the image of the burning oil fields only within the borders of the dog tag. Nice little analogy to what the movie’s about, the Gulf War seen through one soldier’s eyes. From the poster alone, it seems that Jarhead goes way beyond your standard military action movie.

Slim pickings this week for movies - you get to choose between a chicken or a jarhead...or you can see a homicidal maniac in Saw II.

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