Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Dark Knight

It's been out over a month already, but we finally saw The Dark Knight the other day (the IMAX version, of course), and it blew my mind.

Excuse me while I pick up the pieces of my blown mind. It was so good, it absolutely rocked. It just jumped to the top of my list as the best comic-based movie ever. It was gripping from start to finish, and there really wasn't a slow moment in between. Even in the quieter moments, there was still a dire urgency to it all.

Christian Bale was his usual menacing, gravelly-voiced Batman. Aaron Eckhart was good (wouldn't his left eye dry out if he didn't blink?); Maggie Gyllenhaal was good (way better than Katie Holmes). Heath Ledger was great - they should give the guy the posthumous Oscar. I'm glad Gary Oldman got a more substantial role this time out; its always nice to see him as the good guy rather than the nutcase bad guy. My only question is, why did they need Cillian Murphy?

I'm not sure if they should make another one after this - how can they possibly top it? One thing for sure: they should never do another version of the Joker. Let's call the Heath Ledger version the definitive onscreen one, and leave it at that.

1 comment:

Meyer-Wire said...

What a compelling review, Mike! Makes me want to go see it.