Thursday, December 28, 2006

Movie Poster Motifs

I was looking at some current and upcoming movie posters, and I noticed a reoccurring layout used by several of them. See if you can spot it among these three posters... it's pretty easy to see:

Yes folks, it's the silhouette of a character centered against the background of the movie's primary location. I shall call this motif: "center silhouette". This is the second reoccurring movie poster layout I've identified, the first being what I call, "big heads in the sky". This is exactly what it sounds like: the poster depicts some smaller characters or location at the bottom, and above it you have a huge disembodied head floating above it all. Here's a recent example from a Turkish movie called Ice Cream, I Scream:

Here's another one from the new movie Freedom Writers:

See? Little people at the bottom, big Swank head above them. Yikes!

As a bonus, here's one the combines both the Center Silhouette and the Big Head in the Sky:

Score! Two Points!

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