Friday, August 18, 2006

Reach Cleanpaste Blows

So I'm going about my day, humming a happy tune, when I realize that I haven't posted anything in over a week! Great googly moogly!

Here's my advice for today: don't use Reach Cleanpaste, it totally blows.

Reach Cleanpaste is the latest innovation in dental floss, which claims to be like "brushing between your teeth". You may have seen the ads for it, which look something like this:

What a load of crap. I really don't know what came over me, but I wanted to try it. So I bought recently bought one to give it a shot.

Cleanpaste is basically a blue & teal-colored floss with a toothpaste substance embedded into the fibers. Its thick, soft, and colorful, like a piece of yarn. It was fine when I flossed my front teeth, but the floss shredded in my back teeth, leaving these blue & teal-colored threads stuck between my teeth. I had to use my regular floss to get it out, and I ended up flipping out a filling from one of my back teeth.

It turns out that I can't get a new filling for this tooth, and I need a partial gold crown, which will cost me a pile of money. I lay blame for all of this on Reach Cleanpaste.

I found out later that they have two versions of Cleanpaste, one for "regular" teeth and one for "tight" teeth. So I'm supposed to use two types of floss for my teeth? No way, man. I'm sticking to my old floss, and so should you.


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