Friday, May 26, 2006

Slot Machines and Furry Animals

We just got back from a short vacation in Las Vegas, and although we didn't win a boatload of money, we had a good time nonetheless. It's been a year since we've been there, and the place is still booming. There's still plenty of room for more hotels, casinos and shopping centers. This town has a long way to go before it hits the saturation point for all this decadence.

Here's my one gripe: people, leave the kids at home. If you have to bring the kids to Las Vegas, at least get them to bed at a decent hour. Nothing is more appalling than seeing a mother walking around a casino at 1:00 in the morning with a drink in one hand and a small child in the other.

While we were Vegas, we saw Over the Hedge. This was a movie that I've been waiting to see, and I wasn't disappointed. The kids will be entertained, and there are plenty of jokes only the adults will understand. What's not to like? This is good, clean family fun.

It's amazing how good they can make CGI animals look nowadays. Furry animals look really furry. These computers - I bet they'll become really useful one of these days.

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