The movie is about the story of a young, arrogant UC Berkeley gymnast who learns a lot of life-changing lessons from a mysterious old man he calls Socrates. He suffers what should have been a career-ending accident, but with the help of the old man's teachings, he pulls himself out of it and becomes all he can be. It's a semi-true story based on a book of the same name.
Nick Nolte plays the wise old man. That's right, this guy:
There are little bits in the story about being able to jump really high or having super reflexes, but the heart of the movie is about the old man's ideology. Here's what I learned: Live in the moment. Do what you love. It's not the destination, it's the journey. Measure twice, cut once. The movie provides many more of these nuggets, but these are the only ones I remember. For a short while, I was semi-inspired by this new age, spacey movie, but as time has passed, it's ultimately kind of forgettable. Thank goodness it was free.
"Socrates, what is the meaning of life?"
"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!"