Saturday, March 24, 2007


Being the comic book geek that I am, I have a built-in love for Frank Miller's 300. So I was really looking forward to the movie adaptation. We finally saw it on an IMAX screen last week.

So how was it? It's awesome. I think they made this movie with me in mind. However, I think it really has something for everyone.

Go Spartans!

For the guys: 300 is a big, bold, loud, violent movie. The story is pretty straightforward, so it's not too taxing on the brain. It's got plenty of cool slow-motion battles with buckets of CGI blood splashing all of the place. The testosterone level is so high in this movie, you'll want to to whoop someone's ass after you leave the theater. Did I mention it was violent?

For the ladies: This movie has a lot of half-naked Spartans, and every single one of them has a six-pack. Let me tell you, Greeks love to do stomach crunches. They also love to stand in heroic poses, all greased up with muscles glistening. It wouldn't surprise me if a Chippendale's-type show opens in Vegas soon called "Spartans".

For the kids: Why would you want to bring your kids to this movie? It's rated "R", for pete's sake. What kind of parents are you? Didn't I just say it was a violent movie? Let your kids sneak in this movie on their own.

If you need a piece of quality blockbuster entertainment, look no further than 300. Don't forget to bring your spear, shield, & codpiece.

"Hey, stop pushing. Aieeeeee!"